Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Chinese New Year!

So today 2010, the year of the Tiger, officially begins, according to the Chinese Zodiac at least. I've not really celebrated this event ever, but Chinatown in DC puts on a good show apparently...parades, dances, and lots of fireworks including one that's five-stories high! So needless to say, think I'm going to be celebrating this year. Five-story fire cracker! Plus I've really been craving some Chinese dumplings.

Then Monday is President's Day and what better city to appreciate American President's than DC. And of course, Tuesday is also Mardi Gras, I love this one. There are apparently some pretty fun events going on around the city to celebrate. I'm not Catholic, but I think come Ash Wednesday I'll give something up for lent.

So now starts a full week of holidays and celebrations! Yippee, hope you enjoy.

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