Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Turkish Fever

Okay this has to be super fast. We are in Turkey right now and İ am completely in love with it. FYİ İ apologize for any errors this is a foreign keyboard and a little tricky to use. Anyway we are in Istanbul. Today we headed into the courtyard of the Blue Mosque to listen to the calling to prayer. The call itself floating over the whole city from so many different mosques was already one of my most cherished memories this trip. But being in the actual mosque grounds of one of the most impressive mosques in the world and hearing the call ring out - beckoning the people, and then watching the Muslim men and women heed the call, come to kneel on rugs and pray was one of the most special, beautiful experiences of my entire life. My words do not do it justice. İ took a video, hopefully that will turn out. Anyway, since the last post we have made it from Slovakia through Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria. I loved Romania so much...I have never felt so completely out of my element yet at peace as İ have ın Romania. İ will definitely post more about all these places when İ get back - and of course pictures. Though we had a memory card malfunction and İ am a little scared İ may have lost about 1000 pictures :( We are off to more places in Turkey tomorrow - though we have not chosen where. Either Cappodocia ın central Turkey or Cannakle and the ruins of Troy. Then maybe more Turkey before heading to Greece to hop through the islands before maybe landing in Athens. İ can not believe how much we have seen so far and how much is still to come. Update more later.

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