Friday, December 12, 2008

Us and Them

Earlier tonight I watched a documentary on Pink Floyd, Dark Side of the Moon. I guess I have Ms. McLaws to thank, as earlier I had read her post on the Beatles and it got me in the mood. Either way, pink floyd always leaves me in a very introspective mood. On top of this it brought me right back to Coachella, a 3-day music festival in the desert, which headlined Roger Waters this year. Even as I'm writing this I can't decide if I want to focus on Pink Floyd or Coachella...okay Pink Floyd, but my next post will be on Coachella, it was epic. I don't have much I want to say, you guys can opine on the band for yourselves, discuss lyrics, philosophy. Instead, I only want to suggest that if you ever find yourself innundated with feelings (maybe weird, indescribable or normal feelings) or maybe like you have something to say but it's trapped in your own head or you're really normal that's fine too, try listening to Pink Floyd; pick an album (my suggestion - Dark Side of the Moon, and that's not cliche), turn out that lights, listen, think if you want. It' cathartic, almost transcendant. The picture's Roger Waters at Coachella. Listen to the song at that bottom (Us and Them - Dark Side of the Moon).


ms-mclaws said...

kim... favorite post ever, of all of blogging history. thanks.

Kimberly said...

hahaha, camille, i knew you'd know what i was talking about.